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English languge Quiz fof first bac an correction - 2 second session

English languge Quiz fof first bac

نموذج لأسئلة الفرض /اختبار في اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الأولى باكالوريا مع عناصر الإجابة

              Yesterday morning, while I  my breakfast in the kitchen, I  to the news on the radio. I  about SARS* epidemic in China. My sister, who  her school things,  me about it. I  her that SARS is a disease which attacks the lungs. On the other side of the kitchen, my mother  lunch. She sighed and  :"May Allah protect us all!".

SARS : Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
    1. Answer these questions about the text:
      1. Where was Ali that morning?  
      2. What was he doing?      
      3. What was his mother doing?  
      4. What did he hear on the radio?  
      5. What does "it" in line (3) refer to?  
    2. What is the question?
      The underlined words should not appear in the question.
      1. Ali's father went with the tourists to Marrakesh yesterday.
      2. Ali's father went with the tourists to Marrakesh yesterday.
      3. Ali's father went with the tourists to Marrakesh yesterday.
      4. Ali's father went with the tourists to Marrakesh yesterday.
    3. Guess what tense?!
      simple present - simple past - simple future - present continous - past continuous - past perfect.
      1. I am getting tired now.   
      2. I did too much homework last night.   
      3. My sister was making fun of me.   
      4. I will never help her with Maths.   
    4. Click the answer button to see the answer.

        What nationality is someone from:

      1. Japan ?
      2. Turkey ?
      3. Kuwait ?
      4. Portugal ?
      5. Denmark ?
      6. Burma ?
      7. Iraq ?
      8. Lesotho ?
      9. Monaco ?
      10. Niger ?
      11. Nigeria ?
      12. Thailand ?
      13. Sweden ?
      14. Greece ?
      15. Morocco ?
    5. */ Match the numbers with the letters to form meaningful sentences.

      N.B : Hover the first part of the sentence to see the corresponding completing part.
      1.   If I have enough money,  
      2.   If I had enough money,  
      3.   If I had had enough money,  
      4.   Had I had enough money,  
      1.   I would buy a car.  
      2.   I would have bought a car.  
      3.   I would have bought a car.  
      4.   I will buy a car.  

عن الكاتب

الأستاذ ابراهيم


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