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مستجدات تربوية ملخصات جذاذات دروس فروض امتحانات

مستجدات التعليم


مستجدات التعليم
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موضوع و أسئلة الفرض الكتابي في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الثانية 2 باك - الدورة 2 مع الأجوبة

Test the model in the English language for the second year baccalaureate and solutions

Prevention or cure

          One of the most important and difficult part of preventive care is to educate your people in the sensible and limited use of medicines. Some modern medicines are very important and can save lives. But no medicine is needed for most sicknesses. The body itself can usually fight off sickness with rest, good food and perhaps some simple home remedies.          People, however, may come to you for medicine when they do not need any. You may be tempted to give them some medicine just to pleasethem. But if you do and they get well, they will think that you and the medicine cured them. In fact their bodies cured themselves.
          So, instead of teaching people to depend on medicines they don't need, take time to explain why they should not use them. You can also tell the person what he can do himself to get over his sickness.
          This way, you are helping the person to rely on a local resource "himself ", rather than on an outside resource "medicine". In addition to this, you are protecting the person, for there is no medicine that doesn't have some risk in its use.

    1. Are these sentences True or False? JUSTIFY.
      1. Preventive care tries to solve only the problem of the use of medicines.
      2. The use of medicines is necessary for any kind of sickness.
      3. A local resource can be more effective than an outside one.
    2. Answer these questions
      1. What should doctors explain to their patients?    
      2. Why is it very important to use medicines carefully?    
    3. What do these words refer to in the text
      1. "them" (paragraph 2; line 2)    
      2. "them" (paragraph 3; line 2)    
    4. Find in the text words which mean the same as:
      1. Practical. (Paragraph 1)   
      2. rely on (Paragraph 3)   
    1. Rewrite these sentences using the words given.
      1. Faissal is ill. He still comes to school.
        In spite of   
      2. The thieves were clever. The police caught them easily.
      3. They didn't feed the chickens this morning.
        The chickens   
      4. The scientists seek knowledge by all means.
    2. Supply the right suffix or prefix to correct the words between brackets.          Doctors argue that it is (1. safe)  to drink polluted water. They urge people to avoid (2. pure)  water.
    3. Match the sentences with the functions they express:
      1. In my view Omar is a serious, kind and lucky boy.
        1. Disagreement
        2. Opinion
        3. Probability
        4. Invitation
      2. I'm afraid I don't agree with you.
        1. Disagreement
        2. Opinion
        3. Probability
        4. Invitation
    Write a paragraph about aspirin and its side effects.


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